July 01, 2010

Road to Success..

I always received these kind of comments when i did this type of business.

"You bolehlah, you boleh ckp..I ni pemalu"

"I takde masa mcm you..lagipun leceh la nak keluar ke sana sini"

"I tak boleh nak explain n attract ppl mcm you"

"I takde knowledge mcm tu, so I tak confident bila nak explain..bla..bla"

Senyum and I asked,

"You masa mula2 kerja lepas belajar dulu, you terus confident buat kerja2 you ke?

Bila pegi meeting, boss you lepaskan you sorang2 ke untuk handle customers/vendor/supplier etc?

I'm sure, masa mula2 kerja..you belajar dari immediate supervisor you..Bila pi meeting, you just sit down and

watch them to handle the situation.

After 5 months tru learning and observation,

You will gained your confident!

Your boss sure dah lepaskan you utk handle those ppls!

So, sama la dengan bisnes ni. :)

Btw, for me..


"I did not sit quietly and wait things to happen or come to me.

I created opportunities by branching out myself into


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